Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Upcoming Capture-Mark-Recapture courses!



New this year!!!! Two CMR courses in a row:
Introductory course    (26-29 November, 20 places, 300 Є)
Multievent course    (2-4 December, 20 places, 300 Є).
Pick up your level or join both (500 Є)!!! 

INTRODUCTORY COURSE: 26-29 November 2019, Mallorca, Spain  (places: 20, price 300 Є)
This introductory course aims to introduce students, researchers and environmental managers to the theory and practical aspects of the analysis of capture-mark-recapture and –recovery data to estimate survival, recruitment and dispersal probabilities. The course is based on theoretical classes as well as practical sessions with real and simulated data. The format of the course will be a combination of lectures and computer lab exercises with programs MARK, U-CARE and R (optional). No previous knowledge of these programs is needed.  To register send a message specifying the course to: 


Dead line for registration: 15 October 2019
More info here

MULTIEVENT COURSE: 2-4 December 2019, Mallorca, Spain (places: 20, price 300 Є)

This course aims to provide participants with a solid background in the theory and practices of capture-recapture analysis with a specific emphasis on multievent data and models. Multievent models are a natural generalization of the multisite models. Contrary to multisite models, the uncertainty in sate assessment such as breeder, diseased, causes of death or capture heterogenity can be incorporated into the analysis. They can be use to address fine questions on epidemiology, conservation and hiddenbiological processes. The format of the workshop will be a combination of lectures and computer lab exercises with the programs E-SURGE (or R2ESURGE) and U-CARE. No previous knowledge is needed although experience with CMR data and R-programming will be useful. To register send a message a message specifying the course to: 


Dead line for registration: 15 October 2019
More info here

New publication: IPM and tortoise populations!

Segura A., Rotger, A. and Rodriguez-Caro, R., 2025. Hidden Threats to Persistence: Changes in Population Structure Can Affect Well-Preserve...