Introductory course

Why another Capture-Mark-Recapture course?

The analysis of individual-based data is rapidly expanding in ecological studies. Statisticians and population ecologists are working together adapting the analytical framework to answer finer ecological questions. We believe there is a need for an introductory course on capture-mark-recapture techniques aimed to those PhD students, postdocs, researchers and environmental managers willing to approach this constantly evolving field. No previous knowledge on capture-mark-recapture or capture-mark-recovery analyses is necessary.

What is this course?

The course aims to introduce students, researchers and environmental managers to the theory and practical aspects of the analysis of capture-mark-recapture and –recovery data to estimate survival, recruitment and dispersal probabilities. The course is based on theoretical classes as well as practical sessions with real and simulated data. All lectures and course material will be in English.

Draft program 27 Novemner - 1st December:

14h30-15h15    Arrival and presentation
15h15-17h00    Introduction to ecological modelling and individual data
9h15-11h30    The estimation of Survival over time
11h30-11h45    Coffee
11h45-13h15    Exercise (MARK)
13h15-15h15    Lunch
15h15-17h00    The Goodness of fit test. Exercises (U-CARE - MARK)
9h15-11h30    Survival differences between groups, between ages and the influence of covariables
11h30-11h45    Coffee
11h45-13h15     Exercises (MARK)
13h15-15h15    Lunch
15h15-17h00    The estimate of population size from closed and open models  Exercises (MARK-R )
9h15-11h30    The estimation of Dispersal and Recruitment Exercises (U-CARE – MARK)
11h30-11h45    Coffee
11h45-13h15    Exercises (MARK-R )
13h15-15h15    Lunch
15h15-17h00    Estimating the ‘real’ survival (recovery). Exercises (MARK)
9h15-11h30    Multievent conditional probabilities, new kids in Town and the experimental design
11h30-11h45    Coffee
11h45-13h00    Your data. Exercises (MARK ; U-CARE).
13h15-15h15    Lunch
15h15-17h00    (Optional: more on examples and discussion)

Who is organizing this course?
The course is organized by the Animal Demography and Ecology Unit of the IMEDEA

Lectures will be given by Dr. G. Tavecchia, Dr. A. Sanz-Aguilar, Dr. Andreu Rotger and researchers of the group. Invited researchers sometimes help in teaching as well as practical classes.

When and where?

The course will be held in Esporles (Mallorca, Spain) at the IMEDEA (CSIC – UIB, from the 27th of November to the 1st of December 2023.

The closest (and only) airport on Mallorca island is outside the city of Palma. There are several companies offering low-cost flights to Mallorca from nearly every European capital.

Esporles is a village at c. 14 km North of Palma city. There are regular buses between Palma and Esporles (c. 35min journey, about 5 € return). You can easily find an accommodation in Palma or stay in one of the three hotels in Esporles or even rent a small flat. We will send you more detailed information if you decide to come. 

Note that the course will begin at 14h30 on Monday and it will end at 14h30 on Friday. If you are lucky with the flight schedule, you might be able to save two hotel nights.

How much does it cost and how to pay?

Registration fee is 380 €
The fee includes the course material and coffee/tea during Coffee breaks.

To participate send a message to :   specifying, name, surname, institute and a short description of your work.

Registration fee can be paid before the 1st of November 2023. Payment should be done by bank transfer.
What do I need?
You need a laptop (important!) with the following freely available software already installed:
1- U_CARE :
2- MARK:
3- R: (>Software > Packages).

For more information:
tel. 971611824
fax: 971611761 

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New publication on immigrationa and population turnover!

Natsukawa, H., Tavecchia, G., Frías, Ó., Sergio, F., Hiraldo, F., Blanco, G. 2025 Immigration hides the decline caused by an anthropogenic t...