Tuesday, 4 July 2023

New Publication on sea turtles!

Santidrián Tomillo, P., Pujol, F., Félix, G., Núñez-Reyes, V., Saba, V., Tomas, J., Marco, A., 2023 Colonization of new nesting areas could provide climate refuge to loggerhead turtles under climate change. Biological Conservation, 284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110146

Abstract: Climate change can impact regional and global biodiversity for multiple reasons. In sea turtles, changes in local climate at nesting beaches can affect egg and hatchling survival and primary sex ratios. Sea turtles could respond to climate change by occupying new nesting areas. The recent increase in sporadic nesting in the western Mediterranean may indicate colonization of new nesting beaches. We assessed the suitability of a western area, the Balearic Islands (∼1500 km from current nesting grounds) as climate refuge for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) under current (2015–2017) and climate change scenarios to the mid (+40 years) and end (+80 years) of the 21st century. Using a correlative approach based on air and sand temperatures, we predicted nest temperatures and sex ratios for 19 beaches. Most beaches could provide viable temperatures and predominantly produce male hatchlings under all scenarios. 

Photo: wikipedia.com
 Sex ratio projections were male-biased but with an increasing female ratio throughout time. Although mean sex ratio under the +80 years scenario was still male-biased, the warmest beaches could provide female-biased ratios, which are similar to those estimated for current nesting sites. The Balearic Islands could function as climate refuge for loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean because temperatures could favor embryo viability and a male sex ratio. However, a nesting population may not be established until the percentage of female hatchlings increases and turtles return to nest as adults. Conditions at sea should also favor survival of hatchlings and juveniles. Because western Mediterranean beaches are popular tourist destinations, active management may be needed to protect nesting populations.

Ten years of Storm Petrel monitoring in Ibiza!

A. Sanz Aguilar and A. Rotger illustrated 10 years of monitoring of the Storm Petrel colony in Ibiza. A nice example of a successful collaboration between the GEDA, the Sant Josep city council and the Natural Park of  "Es Vedrá, es Vedranell i els Illots de Ponent".

New publication: IPM and tortoise populations!

Segura A., Rotger, A. and Rodriguez-Caro, R., 2025. Hidden Threats to Persistence: Changes in Population Structure Can Affect Well-Preserve...