Wednesday, 28 September 2022

New Publication on Red kite and early life conditions!

Sergio, F., Tavecchia, G., Blas, J., Taferna, A., Hiraldo, F., Korpimaki, E., and Beissinger, S. R. 2022. Hardship at birth alters the impact of climate change on a long-lived predator. Nature Communication 13, 5517

Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme events, such as droughts or hurricanes, with substantial impacts on human and wildlife communities. Extreme events can affect individuals through two pathways: by altering the fitness of adults encountering a current extreme, and by affecting the development of individuals born during a natal extreme, a largely overlooked process. Here, we show that the impact of natal drought on an avian predator overrode the effect of current drought for decades, so that individuals born during drought were disadvantaged throughout life. Incorporation of natal effects caused a 40% decline in forecasted population size and a 21% shortening of time to extinction. These results imply that climate change may erode populations more quickly and severely than currently appreciated, suggesting the urgency to incorporate “penalties” for natal legacies in the analytical toolkit of impact forecasts. Similar double impacts may apply to other drivers of global change.


Thursday, 22 September 2022

New Publication on seabird egg volume !

Real, E., Oro, D., Bertolero, A., Igual, J.M., Sanz-Aguilar, A., Genovart, M., Hidalgo, M., Tavecchia,G. 2022. It’s not all abundance: Detectability and accessibility of food also explain breeding investment in long-lived marine animals. PLoS One

 Summary: Large-scale climatic indices are extensively used as predictors of ecological processes, but the mechanisms and the spatio-temporal scales at which climatic indices influence these processes are often speculative. Here, we use long-term data to evaluate how a measure of individual breeding investment (the egg volume) of three long-lived and long-distance-migrating seabirds is influenced by i) a large-scale climatic index (the North Atlantic Oscillation) and ii) local-scale variables (food abundance, foraging conditions, and competition). Winter values of the North Atlantic Oscillation did not correlate with local-scale variables measured in spring, but surprisingly, both had a high predictive power of the temporal variability of the egg volume in the three study species, even though they have different life-history strategies. 

The importance of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation suggests carry-over effects of winter conditions on subsequent breeding investment. Interestingly, the most important local-scale variables measured in spring were associated with food detectability (foraging conditions) and the factors influencing its accessibility (foraging conditions and competition by density-dependence). Large-scale climatic indices may work better as predictors of foraging conditions when organisms perform long distance migrations, while local-scale variables are more appropriate when foraging areas are more restricted (e.g. during the breeding season). Contrary to what is commonly assumed, food abundance does not directly translate into food intake and its detectability and accessibility should be considered in the study of food-related ecological processes.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

New Publication on Open Access policy!

Santidrián Tomillo, P., Zandoná, E., Iñamagua, J. P., Payo-Payo, A., 2022. Open Access perpetuates differences between higher- and lower-income countries    Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

New publication: IPM and tortoise populations!

Segura A., Rotger, A. and Rodriguez-Caro, R., 2025. Hidden Threats to Persistence: Changes in Population Structure Can Affect Well-Preserve...