Friday, 20 December 2019

Fledged 2! Ph.D. Thesis defense at the US !

Alvaro Luna successfully defended his Ph.D. research at the University of Sevilla today. Alvaro did a work on the movement and life-history strategy of the burrowing owl supervised by M. Carrete, J.L. Tella and A. Sanz-Aguilar. When not in Argentinga, Alvaro spent some part of his PhD at the GEDA, sharing with us his work on urban ecology. Congratulations Alvaro!

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Fledged 1! Ph.D. Thesis defence at the UB

This Thursday, Enric Real Garcia has successfully defended his Ph.D on the breeding investment of seabirds and the role of Predictable Anthropogenic Food Subsidies (more here). Congratulations Dr. Real! (hear a Tweet here)

Saturday, 14 December 2019

GEDA at the International Gull Meeting 2019 !

The GEDA was invited to the 2019 International Gull Meeting (IGM) organized in Donostia (Spain) by the Aranzadi Society. It was an occasions to meet many collaborators and learn on dynamics, pathogens, moult and morphological differences.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The 2019 Introductory and Multievent CMR courses have ended!

The first joined Introductory and Multievent CMR courses ended today. A collaboration between the IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB, Spain) and the CEFE (CNRS, France). 
A nice occasion to learn about studies on whales, glossy ibis, mice, rabbits, great tits and other animals ; we have learned how to apply singlesite, multisite and multievent models to address ecological questions. 
Thanks to all participants and to the teachers. Next appointment : November 2020!

New publication: IPM and tortoise populations!

Segura A., Rotger, A. and Rodriguez-Caro, R., 2025. Hidden Threats to Persistence: Changes in Population Structure Can Affect Well-Preserve...