Sunday, 29 September 2019

New Publication on human-wildlife relations!

Lozano, J. [...] Cortes-Avizanda, A. et al. [...] 2019 Human-carnivore relations: A systematic review. Biological Conservation. vol 237, pag. 480-492.

Abstract. We conducted a systematic review of 502 articles, published between 2000 and 2016, to characterize the research on human-carnivore relations according to (i) temporal and geographical distribution, (ii) biology, (iii) relations between carnivores and humans, (iv) social actors, (v) drivers of change, (vi) management, and (vii) applied methods. 
We performed a detrended correspondence analysis and Kruskal-Wallis tests to identify and describe thematic clusters used in human-carnivore relations research. Our results show that research is deeply biased so far, and four important knowledge gaps were detected. First, we found more studies had been conducted in the Global North than in the Global South, although risks and benefits of living alongside carnivores exist in the Global South equally. Second, most research focused on large predators, while small and medium-sized carnivores are also source of damages and ecosystem services. Third, relations were often framed around conflicts, with little attention to possible ecosystem services. Fourth, most research was carried out using natural sciences methods, despite methods from the social sciences having much to offer in this context. Research fell into seven thematic clusters focusing on: (1) North-American bears, (2) African large carnivores, (3) social research in America, (4) meso-carnivores, (5) Asian felids, (6) conflicts with the grey wolf, and (7) damages to human property. These results highlight the need for more integrative, social-ecological research on human-carnivore relations. We discuss how addressing existing knowledge gaps could contribute to mitigating conflicts as well as fostering coexistence between humans and carnivore species.

A press release by E. Soto here (in Spanish)

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

GEDA at the"GOB on Thursday" and at the "Nit de la Recerca"

Ainara Cortés-Avizanda from the GEDA (Animal Demography and Ecology Unit) will present her research on the arriving of the Griffon Vulture in Mallorca. A conference framed into the "GOB on Thursday" meeting organized by the Balearic Ornithological Group.  Tomorrow h19h30 at "Centre Cultural Sa Nostra", Palma

Friday 27th GEDA will be at the "Nit de la Recerca", a speed-dating session to learn the different ongoing scientific projects in the Balearic Islands.

27/09/2019 h 17: "Who had been stealing my sandwich ?" Ca N Oleo, Carrer del Almudaina - Palma.

More at

Friday, 13 September 2019

Upcoming Conference at the University of Valencia

GEDA was invited to present a conference at the University of Valencia on seabird survival Thursday the 19th of September 2019.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

New Publication on Ticks and Seabirds!

Sanz-Aguilar,A., Payo-Payo, A., Rotger, A., Yousfi, L., Moutailler, S., Beck, C., Dumarest, M.,Igual, J.M., Miranda, M-A., Viñas Torres, M., Picorelli, V., Gamble, A., Bouliner T. 2019: Infestation of small seabirds by Ornithodoros maritimus ticks: Effects on chick body condition, reproduction and associated infectious agents Ticks and Tick-borne diseases, doi

Abstract: Ticks can negatively affect their host by direct effects as blood feeding causing anaemia or discomfort, or by pathogen transmission. Consequently, ticks can have an important role in the population dynamics of their hosts. However, specific studies on the demographic effects of tick infestation on seabirds are still scarce. Seabird ticks have also the potential to be responsible for the circulation of little known tick-borne agents, which could have implications for non-seabird species. Here, we report the results of investigations on potential associations between soft tick Ornithodoros maritimus load and reproductive parameters of storm petrels Hydrobates pelagicus breeding in a large colony in a cave of Espartar Island, in the Balearic archipelago.
We also investigated by molecular analyses the potential viral and bacterial pathogens associated with O. maritimus ticks present at the colony. Lower nestling survival was recorded in the most infested area, deep in the cave, compared to the area near the entrance. The parasite load was negatively associated with the body condition of the nestlings. One pool of ticks tested positive for West Nile virus and 4 pools tested positive for a Borrelia species which was determined by targeted nested PCR to have a 99% sequence identity with B. turicatae, a relapsing fever Borrelia. Overall, these results show that further investigations are needed to better understand the ecology and epidemiology of the interactions between ticks, pathogens and Procellariiform species.

New publication: IPM and tortoise populations!

Segura A., Rotger, A. and Rodriguez-Caro, R., 2025. Hidden Threats to Persistence: Changes in Population Structure Can Affect Well-Preserve...