Incoming call for INPhINIT Doctoral Fellowship ("LA CAIXA" Foundation) !!
Are you interested in obtaining a Ph.D. on seabirds ecology ? The La Caixa Foundation grants 65 fellowships for talented early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in Spain or Portugal. Apply at and select our project. Find our project on seabirds (
here) and join the GEDAi
Research Project / Research Group Description
are in rapid decline worldwide, but the relative importance of the
multiple threats to their populations is not always clear, nor the
birds’ response to current global changes. As top-predators their
behavior, dynamics and life-history strategy reflect ocean state and
condition and their decline is showing that the marine ecosystems is
Photo: Victor Paris
The research project aims to investigate the life-history
strategy of seabirds under the current chemo-physical changes of the
ocean. The project will take advantage of the long term monitoring
databases collected by the team and the data collected by GPS and GLS
devices to follow birds during their foraging movements and migratory
routes. It will focus on two species of conservation interest, belonging
to the order of Procellariformes, the European storm petrel
Hydrobates pelagicus and the Scopoli’s shearwater
Calonectris diomedea. Birds
will be studied in the Balearic archipelago and Alicante region
(Eastern Spain). The deployment of tracking devices will allow to
investigate the individual and the species-specific movements in order
to detect the important foraging and overwinter areas to help policy
makers to reduce the threats to their populations.
If you need more information on the project:
Apply here!!
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