Tuesday 22 May 2018

The Cory's Shearwaters began to breed !

Photo: A. Sanz-Aguilar
The Cory's Shearwater campaign has just started. The first birds are on their egg. This year all seabirds have slightly changed the phenology, we will see whether Shearwaters do the same.

Friday 11 May 2018

GEDA at "Meteo y Natura"

Ana Sanz-Aguilar explains the results from a meta-analysis investigating whether seabirds adapt their breeding phenology to the recent warming of the sea temperature. The study used the long-term data of nearly 200 seabird populations. Among them those studied by the GEDA. The full interview can be viewed here (at min 4:30)

An innovative system to detect active nests!

Dr. A. Santangeli recently went to Cáceres, as part of the European Commission LIFE project on Agroestepas Ibéricas . The project,  spearhe...